The Amazin'g Race 2024
On Saturday, November 2nd 2024, Grace Baptist put on the Amazin'g Race. We had 5 teams that raced around Hurlock completing 5 different activities. The teams went from Bible trivia to an air blown obstacle course, to building an ark then on to a balloon cup stack race and finally a three legged race with a socker goal twist. The red team was good across the board and each team member took home a Chik-fil-A gift card. Everyone had a BLAST! The race was followed up by music, a message about redemption and sanctification, and the presenting of the gospel. We all then ate at a taco bar, listened to praise music and played games. What a great testament to God!! We hope to see you all next year!!
Bible Trivia

Build an Ark

Balloon Cup

3 Legged Race

Obstacle Course

Message, Meal & Fellowship